Friday, April 4, 2008 

Laptop Repairs

The Laptop bug has bitten us and we are surely loving it. The amount of money spent by the younger generations on the purchase of Laptops has increased manifolds and forms a major part of their expenditure. The generation has money to spend and time to enjoy and thus they land themselves up with a Laptop for its easy carrying capabilities and the ease of operation. Things however go out of hands when minor errors start creping into the device and the compactness of the Laptop turns out to be its major enemy as it is extremely difficult to open a Laptop and check for the fault area, as compared to s Desk top Pc which can be easily opened and also repaired without much fuss.

The Laptop Construction.

The Laptop by the virtue of design and the requirement of compactness is crammed for space. Every available volume inside is carefully utilized for situating components as per the heat sink and dissipation requirements. Further complicating the issue is the power source, the battery which is also housed inside the Laptop. The Laptop, thus has peculiar construction which leads to most complications that arise in case of malfunctioning. Laptop Repair is not an easy job and requires technical expertise even to open the Laptop and identify the fault that has brought the machine to a halt.

The Original Dilemma.

The majority of Laptops are manufactured by renowned companies worldwide and in total contrast to the Desktop version the Laptops are difficult to assemble and promote. The single largest factor that favored the Desktop computers was the ease of assembling and understanding the placement of components and even replacement of the same if need was felt. In case of a Laptop though, the issue becomes complicated since any company would provide a warranty and repair facility only if the device is shown to them for repairs.

The main question that arises out of such a situation is whether the customer gets affair deal from the company since he has no option but to purchase the original replacement components at the price quoted by the company. This is the main bone of contention between the customers and the companies as far as the Laptop repairs are concerned.

Laptop Repair.

The most common problems that render the Laptop non operational are the RAM and Hard-disk problems. Further frequent unsafe shutdowns due to battery problem also leads to similar faults which render the Laptop vulnerable to unscheduled closure or hanging and then crashes. These issues could be very easily resolved in case of a Desktop computer but in case of a Laptop however, the lack of technical guidance and knowledge leads to a state of total and abject surrender to the customer support engineer. Laptop repair thus becomes a major operation with even the smallest of the defects acquiring major proportions due to the charge involved in opening and repairing the Laptop. The defects are rectified and the customer feels cheated for he is charged an exorbitant amount for his Laptop repair.

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